Fly and Me

Our Training Journey

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wait at the Door

I applied the crate games waiting to the front door today. It was easy because it is a glass door (covered with nose prints) and Fly could see me on both sides and it was a quick learn. It is so exciting when she picks up something new. I am looking forward to four days of free time to play with Fly. When Fly sees the crate now she flies into it and sits - YES! It make me so happy.


It has been raining now, sometimes hard all day. We were out in the soggy grass that needs to be mowed doing recalls. Fly didn't like to sit in the wet grass but she got over it when the tug toy appeared, the butt hit the ground. Ah! she let me know she would and then it went well. We had fun and then got a soccer game reward. I am trying for five to seven short sessions of different recalls a day. I am changing jobs and the last week and this week have been busy but I have made a priority to have fun with Fly. Today I am totally out of one and into the new one. So back to lots of doggin time.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back to Play - Work

Monday I was back at work. Fly and I did our training and Monday night we went to puppy class. We need to work on leave it. Also heeling on a leash is hard for me to treat her and have to leash and bend over and all that. It seems much better of the lead. With the holiday and other stuff we have no class then next two weeks. We will return with an awesome heel. The sit, stand, down with a stay are all great. We practiced at the end of class with all the people and dogs moving around.

Camping Weekend

Fly and I went camping and got to learn about lots of new stuff. Visited the lake, saw a camp fire, meet lots of people and had fun. Fly did real well in the truck and the camper. I went back to the smaller kennel to fit in the camper. It was small but not too small but Fly enjoyed getting out and being able to run around. We did some training but not a lot directly. We did lots of recalls, played target, and watch me.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't Miss Lunch

I didn't go home for lunch to train today and things weren't as smooth this evening. Fly was full of silly dog totally unfocused. We will try later now that Fly got to burn off steam.

Good Morning

Sunny blue skies and a early morning training session. Up before 5 am for a run in the dew covered grass. The birds are singing everywhere.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Red Dog

We had lots of fun with the red dog toy tonight.

Puppy Jumping

I don't have speed bumps yet. Expensive to get them but I am working on it. Dog is good handler needs work.

Lots of Fun

Fly and I go out now for many short training(play) sessions. We are working the recall between sits, stands, downs, and other fun. The crate game continues to improve. I now have her racing to the crate from a short distance but give free will further back it isn't happening yet. From 2 - 4 feet it is an explosive charge into the kennel! When Fly came back for Sparks she had picked up a bad habit of crying for attention. I have now put a stop to that thanks to Susan's Crate Game video.

I had success calling Fly off the soccer ball, Starbuck, and a visitor. She really wants to play with Starbuck but he isn't ready for it yet. Starbuck is really doing much better heeling for Rally and we are getting a good solid stay at a distance. We will test the long stay at Rally class tonight.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I spent day yesterday really working on recall games. This morning again I worked with Fly on recalls. It is going great. I did find a big distraction that didn't happen right away - I cleaned the fridge last night and the garbage bag was very tempting. I called and no response but as soon as I turned and walked away I had a little dog at my side.

It is so fun to sit your dog and then move off while she waits and then call her or call her and run and then play super tug! I hate having to leave her in the kennel and go to work. I would like to do more short sessions but I am keeping aware to not go long.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lunch Training and Flower Picking

I went home at lunch and worked with Fly. I worked on the 1-2-3 Game. I am at Stage 3 and should start Stage 4 tonight. I can get Fly to sit and I can get back 25' before I say "Tug" and run. Fly has a good idea about sit means sit and stay. I have to be careful about attention span with any one game. We did assorted recalls from a sit to me standing or running facing both ways. I also Had Starbuck out in the yard talking to me as a good distraction. I also let fly get a drink while were out and do a small about of sniffing so I could call her to me. Head-up and rocket to me when I say "Come." Not high distraction maybe a 3 or 4 on Fly's list. We did a little targeting to my hand and to the paw disc. I was hot for us today so we played in the shade some. The grass needs to be mowed. It rained Sunday, mowing day and now the dandelions have pop up. Fly finds these fun to pick when allowed to run free. She can run right by them when we are working.

So many things to do when we are in the yard. My biggest thing to remember KEEP IT SHORT.

Puppy Class

Fly is by far the youngest puppy. She did good at sit, stand, and down. We played targeting while other things were happening to keep her focused on me. We played watch me too. She picked up heeling. It is a long way down to her to keep treat in front. She did great recalls right to me like a bullet. In class they were using food as a reward and she wanted the toy in my back pocket instead. Lots of dogs went right by their owner to the people around, Fly stuck to me! I introduced her to "Leave it" - chicken on the plate and she wanted it. Instead of going nose first to the plate she tried to pounce on it. We will work on leave it. I worked on proofing her stay in the kennel with the door open. It was going great until Susan got up at the end and was so excited and finished with "You did great!" in a very excited happy voice and Fly flew out of the kennel right to her. It got a laugh and we need to work on the kennel a bit more. But Fly did well with other dogs running around in front and waiting to be released.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Puppy Class Tonight

Tonight we are going to puppy class. Fly missed the first two classes but she has been being clicker trained and it seems like she might be ahead in some things. Still haven't got a successful down so hope class helps. The play with the other puppies will be great and she will love it. Hope I remember to take pictures tonight.

Crate Games - At the Beginning.

Try this. Look at the Crate Games from the beginning video with Fly from my Facebook page.

Crate Games Day 3

We are doing great! Fly stayed in the crate in a sit even when I threw 4 toys in front of her and played with the ball. Great Dog (puppy) at 13 weeks.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Crate Games Day 1

This was our first day doing Crate Games through Stage 3. It took us about 20 minutes. The video is about 20 minutes long. I have it here for my records. Fly caught on right away. I had some trouble getting the leash hooked to her collar. The snap and the collar ring are small. I switched to the bigger snap on a different leash. Later we went to the smaller airline carrier and everything transferred well. Fly has been "living" in the airline carrier but she will be outgrowing it soon. Later when I got her out it took one door reminder and she did well. Yer Out-Yer In needs work. She is slow to go back in. I will keep working on it.Fly will catch on soon. The collar grab will be fun!
I am going to have to break the movie up, it won't load.

Up Early and Focued

Fly is always ready to go early in the morning. Between 5am and 6am is her time with me. I was a little late this morning but we still got lots of play/work in before I left for work. I hope we can start the weekend off tonight with crate games. Starbuck took to it so well and I know Fly will. I will try to record the event and make a short video.

Sit and Tug Reward

Sitting for the tug reward is so good. Anything t play tug. I think she enjoys the tug game better than the food rewards.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


It was a busy day. We practiced lots of things. Fly is so good at the target. Recalls are weak. We played frisbee today and fooled around a lot with the balls. Fly got puppy shots and chipped today at the vet. She is the first dog I know that just had a great time at the vet. Being a puppy she got lots of love too. Starbuck has Rally class tonight so Fly is going to stay home.

I am Good at Touch

Here is a movie from this morning training. We worked on targeting, sitting, coming, and playing tug. We ran and chased and clicked and had a ball two training sessions before I left to work. Here was a bit of the more quite moments. I can't hold the camera and run. Tonight maybe I will work with the tripod.

Touch, Touch, Touch, Take!

We have been getting good at targeting but every so often take is much more fun than touch!We worked outside on the deck by the fire pit and then again near the hot tub. Lots of barking from the dogs next door to provide distraction. A few bugs flew by too. We worked on recalls and sits also.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Recall & Crate Games

The recall is where we need the most work. Fly is very speedy and can catch me in no time. I worry about stepping on her. That will be our thing to work on a lot this week. The targeting is going real well but if I go to long she starts to steal the target. She is so much fun! We are also going to do crate games this evening. I need to move her out of her airline kennel she came in. Her legs have gotten real long. I have a new wire crate for her which will be easier to do Crate Games. This worked so well with Starbuck. It is well worth getting the DVD and doing this with your dog.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back to Work

Today we were back on track of training. The targeting is going well to the paw print disc. The sitting on command and when seeing something she wants is great.Come needs lots of help. Fly is teenager shaped, long legs. Her speed is faster. The tug game is real important to Fly. I made the new cookies tonight and she likes them but not like the cheese we had earlier.

We had toe nail Tuesday. It is getting to be a game to trim the nails. I have been very careful to not cut them to short.


I am so glad to be home with Fly. We played a lot last night. I went over targeting and sitting to get the tug and no puppy biting. She chased me too! Her legs got a lot longer and her neck grew. I loosened the collar. She was real good last night. I did get up and take her out about 4 am. I was still on east coast time. I had time to work with Starbuck too. He was happy to get to practice and get TREATS. Tonight I need to make some of the new treats. I will get a new picture tonight.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I got to play with Lilly (on left) and Spark (in middle) all week. Spark and Lilly are really cool! Monday Dianne gets home and we can go back to training. Dianne has found some new recipes for dog training cookies.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Long Week

I miss working with and loving Fly. We will start puppy class on Monday nights when I get home. Also Starbuck has a rally class to go to on Thursday nights.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Fly is spend the next ten days with Spark and Ana while I am out of town. Fly went over to their house with training instructions. I hope they don't spoil her too much. I have been getting a really nice foundation on her training. Fly was very happy to go home with Ana. I don't think their dog Lilly was real happy to see the puppy get in the car. I miss fly and I hope they send pictures. I will have time to read and reread the training books and watch the videos again

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fun Evening

This evening it was raining. That is good we need it. So we played inside in the kitchen. We spent a lot of time targeting. I got this paw print for a target. It went really well for a long time and then we hit a problem. Fly stole the target. We worked a bit more and now the target stays put. We worked on attention with Starbuck laying down right net to us. It went well. Playing tug with the sit is going well. I have added the cue but I am not sure yet it is connected in Fly's mind. The tug has good shifting weight to her back end real well. During one play/training session I tried going limp in the tug and placing a food treat on her nose. She let go. I was able to do it again but I could tell we were getting to the end of useful training time.

Playing Hard!

Fly is doing very well on hand targeting. We were just doing outside in the yard but last night we did it inside in the kitchen and sitting in bed with lots of distractions. Fly loves Steve and gets so excited when he appears. Starbuck was roaming around too. Fly so bad wants him to play with her. He slowly is coming around. This morning he came in and laid down right up against Fly's kennel.

Tug is working great with the sit. I have started to add the cue "Sit" with it.

Going potty on a lead seems to be no problem.

Distractions are plenty, road noise, bees and bugs and butterflies, Steve, Starbuck, birds (lots of robins land in the yard), sticks, and other things in the grass. I am always worth chasing above all right now.

The puppy biting is mostly under control. I did have to hold her up a few times this morning to remind her we don't play if she bites.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fly's New Dog Yard

The trees and brush are almost cleared in the new dog yard. Fly got to run across it tonight. What a change!

Just for Fly, Well Sort of

Here is the tree cutting for Fly's new dog yard! It is really a fire break that will be all dressed up! The forest fires have been bad already this year. The area we live in is just a tinder box. We finally did the clearing necessary around the house. At least 30' all around, we went for more. On the down hill slope side it is recommended 100 feet so we are doing more to get a nice working area. The plan is to have a 100' by 166' fenced in area when all is done.

They are doing a great job! TJ's Land Clearing


This morning Fly targeted on my hand so well. Just like a little push button game. Hand out, either one and a little puppy nose right into the palm with a little tap, click and treat! She took to putting on the head halter pretty easy again, I treated her to sniff it, click it, nose through the loop, hang on her nose and finally put it all on. Then we played some rough and tumble tug.

Today is a big day. The clearing people are coming to clear the trees for our new practice area. Next some dirt work, and then fence and we will have an awesome work area once we can get some grass to grow.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Head Halter

Tonight I brought out the head halter. It went real easy. Fly didn't object to as I click the clip, let her sniff it, take treats through the loop, place the loop on her nose, and then fasten it around her neck. We played tug and had more treats. She did object a bit as I tightened it up but not for long and we played tug. I then took it off and we played tug with the sit. I paused a little longer for Fly to sit till I let her have the tug rope. We also play come with a chase in it.

Inside a little earlier she was getting far to carried away with puppy biting. I just stopped and held her out and stayed still. I had to repeat it three times and now the biting me has stopped. Outside she went for my pant legs. I just stopped and grabbing my legs was no fun. After a few pauses I am bite free of the puppy on my pants.

Back to Work

Now that Fly had a "Junk Food" day we got back to focus in the evening and this morning. Fly has a solid sit when she she sees the tug toy. Tonight I will add the cue "Sit" and see how that goes. The hand targeting is going great too. I need to find a disc to now move from my hand to the ground. I have been very happy with the house breaking. She goes outside on command off lease right now. Fly has her place. I now need to add the lease and see if I can still get the "Go Potty" command to work. Well this is how it is going and the red stuff is what we need to focus on. This is along with playing in the rocky coaster and time to add some new obstacles to play on and get the whole dog involved.
Where we are in Training
  1. Game #1 Attention - rapid fire now with treats. She look to me now a lot.
  2. Game #2 Tug - solid - she loves it and will break from anything I have distracted her with to play tug. I need to add a "Tug" cue.
  3. Game #3 Smoke Ya - Fly loves the chase and has picked up on the correct side, I need to confirm she is making the side decision and not me.
  4. Game #4 Sit, Tug - Wow is this ever solid. As soon as the tug toy appears the butt hits the ground. I need to add the "Sit" cue to this now.
  5. Game #5 - Smack da Baby - This only makes the tug game a whole lot more fun. Fly loves it!
  6. Game #6 - The Out Release - I need to start this. I made one attempt and Fly didn't even notice the food or I had stopped and then there was another distraction I had to attend to. I need to get this started.
  7. Game #7 - Come - This takes someone to play with us. I have been doing 5' - 10' stationary. I need to add the run into the game and do more. We may have 15 -20 tries at this and it has been real successful so far.
  8. Game #8 - 1-2-3 Tug - Time to start this. Fly sits and waits now till the tug comes down to her so we can start to grow the waiting time now with a count to "Tug".
  9. Game #9 - Hand Targets - We have had three great hand target sessions. I have used 100% food reward with clicks. I have had success with both hands. This is a fun game! I need to find a target and progress to a disc.
I am very happy for two weeks of progress. Since I am going to be gone a week I want a set of things for Spark and Ana to practice with Fly while I am gone. No bad habit s need to start.